Looks like Saif Ali Khan has found new interest in period dramas. The actor, who is gearing up for the release Baazaar, will next be seen in two historical tales, Hunter and Taanaji – The Unsung Warrior. The actor made the announcement of joining the star cast of the Ajay Devgn starrer recently and he will be seen in a role with grey shades in the forthcoming film. Now we hear that Saif has already started his prep for the same.
If reports are to be believed, Saif Ali Khan has started off the preparations by kicking off his horse riding lessons. The actor reportedly dedicates four hours of his daily schedule for the same and is practicing the sport at Mahalaxmi race course. Interestingly, many actors in the past, like Kangana Ranaut, Kriti Sanon, Arjun Kapoor etc. have practiced horse riding there for their respective period films.
Sources have been quoted in these reports stating that Saif has apparently become a confident horse rider and has already picked up the basics quite well. We hear that Saif has to join the team of Taanaji by the end of this month while the film has already gone on floor more than a month ago. Interestingly, Saif had earlier revealed that he doesn’t have to undergo much of extensive prep for Taanaji since he learnt a lot in his earlier film Hunter.
Owing to the fact that Hunter too is set in a different era, Saif Ali Khan had spent a considerable amount of his time learning sword fighting and other skills for the film. The actor, in the past, had spoken about the same revealing that he had already grown a beard and even sported dreadlocks for Hunter. Also, he mentioned about spending almost two hours doing the makeup for the film. Besides that, learning sword fighting really is helping him in playing his role not only in Hunter but also in Taanaji – The Unsung Warrior.
Saif Ali Khan and Ajay Devgn will be reuniting after 12 years post Omkara for this period drama that celebrates the courage of Taanaji, the military leader of Shivaji’s army. Set in the 17th century, the film will be made with much grandeur and will be shot in 3D.
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